Our Newsletter is Out! Read it Here!

Check out the new Protochips Newsletter – Winter Edition! ️ Get a snap shot of our new product releases, highlights of past and upcoming events and so much more in our newly released newsletter! Visit https://bit.ly/Protochips-Winter-Newsletter to get your digital copy today! #Protochips #WinterNewsletter #FindYourBreakthrough

Summer Newsletter!

Our summer newsletter is live! Read all about our newest developments, summaries of conferences and our scandinavian distributors!

News Letter Q3

We are proud to present our Q3 news letter “It’s all about connections”! In this exciting issue we share news about our Atmoshere system, show some nice new publications and show upcoming events. Do you want to stay up to date with Protochips and read all about us? Follow us on LinkedIN! https://www.linkedin.com/company/protochips  


Heterogeneous catalysis campaign blog 3

Following the Selectivity of Any Catalysts at the Nanoscale
Written by Nynke Krans, Applications and Marketing Manager, Jun. 28, 2024

How to Correlate Catalyst Activity to Morphological Changes in the TEM
Written by Nynke Krans, Applications and Marketing Manager, May. 24, 2024

Heterogeneous Catalysis Campaign BLog1

Observing Catalyst Stability in the TEM, A Workflow
Written by Nynke Krans, Applications and Marketing Manager, Apr. 26, 2024

Inspection holder workflow

An Arsenal of Tools for the Preparation of In Situ Electron Microscopy Samples
Written by Nynke Krans, Applications and Marketing Manager, Apr. 15, 2024

New Success Community Image

The New and Improved Success Community
Written by Madeline Dukes, Senior Applications Scientist and Training Specialist, Apr. 10, 2024


Gas Analysis in Atmosphere AX Using an RGA
Written by Tim Eldred, Product Marketing Manager, Mar. 20, 2024

Workflow for Atmosphere AX

Workflows for Gas-Phase Heterogeneous Catalysis Research
Written by Jennifer McConnell, Senior Manager, Marketing and Product Management, Mar. 10, 2024

Flow Management E-chips for Electrochemistry
Written by Jennifer McConnell, Senior Manager, Marketing and Product Management, Jan. 10, 2024