Observe structural changes that affect electrocatalytic characteristics such as crystallinity, morphology, particle size, and chemical dispersion during cycling, providing informed direction for future development.
Perform classic electrochemical analyses in a liquid electrolyte within the TEM
Observe the mechanisms that lead to loss in activity, selectivity, and lifetime of the catalyst for both known and new catalyst materials. Perform temperature-controlled electrochemical studies with Triton AX and room temperature electrochemical studies with Poseidon AX.
In the video: Morphological changes in copper nanoparticles during electrical biasing in the CO2 conversion reaction.
Yang, Y. et al. (2023) Nature, 614, 262–269.
Each Protochips in situ TEM solution has been designed with three key goals in mind to ensure relevance of the results in a timely fashion.
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Fostering Collaboration and Discovery
Explore our latest peer-reviewed articles from top in situ researchers around the world. Want to read out entire list of publications on electrocatalysis?
What have our users done in the field? Read our summaries here!
Electrocatalysts One Pager
Download the one pager that shows how Poseidon AX can be used to study electrocatalysts with in situ electron microscopy.
Radiolysis & Liquid-EM
In this application note, written by Protochips, we summarize how in situ electron microscopy using liquid phase is challenged by radiolysis side effects and how to minimize these effects.
Using Protochips AXON Software for Tracking Electron Flux and Cumulative Dose
In this paper, we take a look at how AXON Dose tracks the electron flux and cumulative dose, and why this might be useful for all experiments.
Understanding Degradation Processes in Automotive Fuel Cells
In this summarized paper, Dr. David Muller’s research group used the Poseidon system to image in situ the degradation mechanisms to understand how to increase the lifetime of fuel cells.
Dynamic Imaging and Elemental Analysis of Nanostructures in Liquid
In this paper, written by Protochips, nanometer resolution elemental mapping of nanostructures in solution has been demonstrated using the Poseidon system.
EDS and EELS analysis in the TEM using the Poseidon Liquid Cell System
This paper, written by Protochips, summarizes different publications on how to best do EELS and EDS in liquid environments.
In Situ EELS and EFTEM Analysis in the Liquid Cell
In this paper, researchers in Muller’s group showed how to perform EELS during in situ electron microscopy using a Poseidon system.
In Situ Lithium Dendrite Deposition
In this summarized paper, L. Mehdi and N. Browning at the Joint Center for Energy Storage Research at Pacific Northwest National Lab in Richland used the Poseidon system to observe the charging and discharging process of lithium-ion batteries.
Watch dynamic behavior of real samples in situ.
Electrocatalysis Research
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