Flash Talk Episode 9 has just been posted on YouTube! Watch it now! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CN2m9OyxN0 In Flash Talk episode 9 Joanna Korpanty, from Northwestern University, Department of Chemistry, will tell you something about her recent publication on solvated polymeric nanomaterials in liquid cell electron microscopy. A worm-to-micelle transformation was triggered via organic solvent mixing during the measurements, showing dynamics not possible with cryo-electron microscopy.

This work shows great potential in future liquid cell experiments in other solvents then water.

Watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CN2m9OyxN0&list=PLFtWq8q5lfLPbu81uBFOO5y6hFftSOxT0&index=9

Read the full publication here: https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S266638642200039X

Flash Talk Ep 9

#FlashTalks #FindYourBreakthrough #Electronmicroscopy #liquidcell #polymerreactions #polymerization #insitumicroscopy


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