Who will be joining us in Lyon, France for the International Congress on Catalysis next month on July 14-19 ‍♂️‍♀️

We are truly looking forward this event where they describe the goals of the congress as such: “In a spirit of cross-fertilization between disciplines, worldwide societal challenges including the environment, energy, mobility, and the circular economy will be addressed through invited lectures and dedicated sessions in line with the main conference slogan ‘ROOTS AND WINGS FOR A BETTER WORLD’.”

We are eager to show the community there how the #AtmosphereAX system enables the study of structure-function relationships at the nanoscale for heterogeneous catalysis studies, driving innovation of new materials forward in an efficient manner.

Come see us at booth #5B to learn more and join Dr. Tim Eldred at his poster where he shows how the integrated RGA in the Atmosphere AX plays a critical role in the structure-function understanding.

Want to join the conference? Check out there website for more information: https://www.icc-lyon2024.fr/en/nbspnbsp/4

Learn more about the Atmosphere AX system for heterogeneous catalysis here: https://www.protochips.com/solutions/by-applications/heterogeneous-catalysis/


2024-06-13 ICC Lyon


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