From lipid bi-layers to cancer research, Poseidon AX allows you to observe soft matter and biological materials in their native, hydrated environment.


Biological and soft materials typically require a hydrated environment to maintain their structure and retain relevant dynamic behavior. With Protochips’ workflow-based in situ TEM solutions, you can utilize the electron microscope to characterize these materials in their native environment to better understand their performance or behavior in real-world applications. 


Perform body temperature analyses or induce mixing in a liquid

Study nanoscale dynamics, interactions, and processes of virus, cells, proteins, micelles, and other biological and biomimetic materials while maintaining a physiologically relevant environment.

In the video: A magnetically powered nanomachine in a liquid cell, showing the moving parts during magnetic measurements.

Lin, M. et al. (2024) Nature Nanotechnology, 19, 646–651


Each Protochips in situ TEM solution has been designed with three key goals in mind to ensure relevance of the results in a timely fashion.  

Scaling Bulk to Nano

Chemical robustness with added temperature options enables you to recreate native environments for relevant results

Accelerating Productivity

Innovative designs and machine vision software lower the learning curve and streamline data collection and analysis

Fostering Collaboration and Discovery

Intuitive data processing platform provides transparency for collaborators, with a new way to visualize data for more productive discussions


Explore our latest peer-reviewed articles from top in situ researchers around the world. Want to read out entire list of publications on biological materials? Find it by clicking here!


What have our users done in the field? Read our summaries here!

Biological Materials One Pager

Download the one pager that shows how Poseidon AX can be used to study biological materials with in situ electron microscopy.

Radiolysis & Liquid-EM

In this application note, written by Protochips, we summarize how in situ electron microscopy using liquid phase is challenged by radiolysis side effects and how to minimize these effects.

Using Protochips AXON Software for Tracking Electron Flux and Cumulative Dose

In this paper, we take a look at how AXON Dose tracks the electron flux and cumulative dose, and why this might be useful for all experiments.

Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy of Live Yeast Cells in Liquid

In this summarized paper, Dr. Diana B. Peckys was able to image live yeast cells in hydrated form in the electron microscope using the Poseidon system.

Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy (CLEM) of Eukaryotic Cells in Liquid

In this summarized paper, researchers from the group of Dr. Niels de Jonge cultivated COS -7 fibroblast cells directly on Poseidon E-chips.

Understanding the Mechanism of Carbon Nanotube Degradation in Macrophage Cells

In this summarized paper, researchers from the group of Dr. Alloyeau looked at the stability of carbon nanotubes in different liquids to understand the degradation of these materials in macrophage cells.

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