Protochips is excited to release AXON Studio v10.5.1

Protochips is excited to release AXON Studio v10.5.1, incorporating several exciting new features, as well as some improvements and bug fixes.

Included in the Studio update:

  • “Pack and Share” is a powerful new feature that allows you to share your data quickly and easily with colleagues and collaborators without the issues traditionally associated with moving large data sets around. See below for our AXON Spotlight on Pack and Share
  • New metadata overlay options when publishing videos and image stacks
  • New filter options for tags created in Studio
Additionally, there are several new metadata and filtering options now available, and improved workflows to make managing your data even easier and faster.

Anyone currently using AXON Studio is eligible for this free update. Simply sign into your account in the Protochips Success Community and download the new version. The download will be available Friday, September 24th.


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