Future Proof Your In-Situ Research
Fusion Select redefines in situ heating and electrical characterization. “Select” the system configuration that meets your needs today, and easily upgrade to add new features and capabilities as your research needs expand. Fusion Select is a completely configurable product, including heating double-tilt, electrical and electrothermal capabilities.
Improved Sample Tilting
The new Fusion Select holder utilizes our patented double tilt design. All contact probes ride directly on the beta tilt table. This eliminates the introduction of stress and movement of contacts, which can sacrifice heating stability or electrical measurement accuracy. Find the zone axes of your sample quickly and easily even at high temperatures or under electrical bias without risking temperature or electrical current fluctuations. With a smooth jewel bearing, Fusion Select has a beta tilt range of ± 20° on both the Thermo Fisher and JEOL holders.*
*Tilt range dependent on TEM pole piece.
More Flexible Electrical Characterization
Fusion Select offers accurate and precise thermal and electrical characterization of samples including nanowires, FIB lamellae, and 2D materials. With more electrical contacts and a newly designed electrothermal E-chip, Fusion Select allows you the flexibility to perform a variety of electrothermal experiments, including 4 point probing, while maintaining accurate heating. The new Fusion Select system can also use the FIB optimized electrical E-chip for quick and easy preparation of FIB samples.
All New Data View
Visualizing and manipulating your data is critical to understanding experimental results. We completely overhauled the Data View in the Clarity software to make it fast and easy to zoom, pan and plot data. Many more features and settings were updated to make experiment workflows more streamlined. Synchronize all your experiment parameters with your Gatan DigitalMicrograph® images using Protochips’ Clarity Echo software.
Want to speak to a product specialist or get a quote? Let us know what we can help you with so we can continue this conversation in more detail.