Atmosphere AX Installation Alert at the National University of Singapore!

Recently, our own Dr. Yaofeng Guo visited the National University of Singapore to perform a training on their Atmosphere AX system. Yaofeng worked with the team on designing in situ experiments and optimizing imaging of their materials over the two day training. While their experiment and materials are confidential, you can see the stability our system offers to enable high resolution imaging in STEM mode even at high pressures. Our unique heating E-chip configuration enables and heating membrane material enables accurate and uniform temperature that is highly stable during STEM imaging.

Thank you Dr. Qian He and team for your wonderful hospitality and hard work!

Interested in on-site training from our expert applications engineers? Reach out to us at to discuss training options and pricing.

#nanoscience #nanotechnology #training #insitu #electronmicroscopy

2024-05-01 Yaofeng Install

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