Creating the Connected Lab

With years of experience designing, manufacturing and using in situ systems for electron microscopes, we can help you obtain new research depths. We offer both in situ and data management solutions that bring together your transmission electron microscopy laboratory and experiments. Navigating to the in situ TEM solutions page will give information on hardware such as in situ holders and sample supports which enable accurate quantitative measurement of your samples in the electron microscope, under natural conditions and provide new perspectives on a wide range of in situ research applications. The data optimization page dives into the important question on how to manage the wide array of data coming from TEM experiments. Finally, the solutions by applications page shows how to use our hardware solutions for your specific electron microscopy research question.

With years of experience and a large global team, protochips offers a personal approach to in situ and data management solutions for your electron microscope.

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Our Company Background

Did you know that we started off as a company specializing in MEMS devices? If you want to know more about our background, please follow the link!

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